I am a senior undergraduate at ShanghaiTech University and an exchange student at MIT in 2024 Spring, majoring in computer science
and technology. I am very fortunate to join the MIT CSAIL Vision Group advised by Prof. Antonio Torralba, Prof. David Bau and mentor Ms. Joanna Materzyńska . I am also a visiting student at UCLA Visual Machines Group advised by Prof. Achuta Kadambi and mentor Mr. Shijie Zhou. From Feb. 2023 to Feb. 2024, I acted as an undergraduate research assistant in PLUS Lab at ShanghaiTech
University, advised by Prof. Xuming He and mentor Mr. Chuyu Zhang.
My overall GPA is 3.92/4.0, ranking 2/234 at ShanghaiTech. I received A+ grades in almost all CS courses and A or higher in all Math courses. And I earned A+ in all courses attended at MIT.
I am interested in representation learning and its application in semantic and related scenarios. My current research work focuses on Generative AI and 3D Vision. Previously, I explored Optimal Transport theory for Unsupervised Deep Clustering and 3D Semi-Supervised Learning, with a focus on imbalanced and open-world scenarios.
Generally speaking, my research aim is advancing intelligent systems that can simulate, understand, and interact with the world while efficiently leveraging prior knowledge to generalize across diverse real-world scenarios. - How far are we from the genuine advent of artificial intelligence?
I am looking forward to pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Computer Vision and Machine Learning in Fall 2025.
We proposed a business war model in which restaurants must balance attracting customers and making profits to maximize revenue and even defeat competitors.
We implemented and compared various AI strategies, including Expectimax search, Neural-Network prediction, and Reinforcement learning algorithms to explore the optimal policy.
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We rendered the iso-surface of vortices in a multi-resolution fluid velocity field based on ExaBricks data structure.
We implemented a bitmap accelerated KD-tree and BVH for multi-resolution data to support fast ray marching.
We proposed an advanced adaptive sampling strategy to solve the problem of rendering surface discontinuity, improving the rendering speed by more than 50x at the same precision.
We created a UI for conveniently adjusting the parameters and rendering.
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Spring 2025: Teaching Assistant in CS182 Introduction to Machine Learning, ShanghaiTech
May 2024: Attend and present poster at ICLR 2024, Vienna, Austria
Fall 2022: Teaching Assistant in SI100B Introduction to Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech
Selected Awards and Honors
2024: National Scholarship (Top 0.2% nationwide, highest scholarship in China)
2024: Outstanding Student, ShanghaiTech University (Ranked top 2% in school)
2024: International Exchange Program First-class Scholarship, ShanghaiTech University (Top 2% in school)
2023: Outstanding Student, ShanghaiTech University (Ranked top 2% in school)
2023: Third prize, The 14th Chinese Mathematics Competition
2022: Merit Student, ShanghaiTech University (Ranked top 3%-7% in school)
2019: First prize, The 5th Annual International Mathematical
Modeling Challenge, Greater China Region Contest